Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 1: HOMEWORK

Ok people. I have got homework coming out of my ears! And I know I shouldn't do it on sunday but I just have so much and my saturday is completely full! I had my first official track meet on saturday! And I got second place...... out of 3.... :) haha but it was cool because I got 4'8" which is awesome for not having high jumped since april. I really want to do well in high jump this season so hopefully I can go to all the practices and really work hard. The girls I jump with are really sweet and I love them already! The guys are really cool too.
 Pretty much I skype and talk to Cameron and Kevin way more then anyone else from home. They are hilarious and always make me happy :) my roommates love 'em too ;) we can just sit on skype for forever not say anything... it's kind of hilarious if you observed our conversations.
 This is before the dance party at the hart. It was sooo funnn. We thought it was a black light dance so we wore white.

 Our FHE brothers are kind of the so we went to their flag football game to support them! IT was freezing but we had fun cheering them on. After we went to their house and watched movies. We are over at their apartment probably everyday now...
This bad boy was just hanging out on the grass after devotional so I figured I would just take a silly picture with it.

I took my first college exam!!! I got a B+ but I'm pretty proud. I took a quiz in foundations of early childhood in the testing center and it was sooooo hard. I think I didn't do so well, but we'll see.

Today at church I lead the music in sacrament meeting.... YIKES. The piano player was playing painfully slow so it was really embarassing because I couldn't control the speed!!! Everyone basically hated me. But relief society was good when I got to lead in there.

I. Love. Sleeping.

I made THE cutest video for my FOEC class. I will post it when its completely ready.

Ummmm so I probably should do my homework now :( Bye Bye

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