Sunday, October 7, 2012

Gone With the Wind

WINDDDY! Idaho is nuts and very windy. Not sure how I feel about that... But Friday was AWESOME! I got to go to the temple in the morning with Robyn, Emily, Jessica, and Ashley and we had a great time and experience together. The temple is beautiful and I can’t wait to go more often! 

Then around 4 we left on our adventure to Utah! Good ol’ Utah. Full of Mormons, fun, and an all-around good time! We stayed at Ashley’s aunt and uncle’s house who graciously let us take over their 1st floor. Our first night in the house we watched Charly and balled our eyes out. It was nice to have a good cry, but why did we do that?? Not sure myself…. Next morning we got up bright and early to get ready to go to conference!!! It was my first time and it was AMAZING. I loved everything about it and the spirit was so strong. It was pretty amazing that we got to be there for the big announcement of the missionary ages being pulled down. The reaction from the crowd was quite unanimously in shock. It was hard to pay attention after that because of all the whispering and excitement going on around us. I couldn’t help but think about how many lives would be changed because of this announcement, including mine! I had never really taken the time to think about serving a mission because it seemed so far in the future, but now that it is only months away I find myself unsure of which route I should take in life! Indeed there is a lot of pressure from friends and peers who already have their mind set on now going on a mission, but I know that personally it will take me a while to really know if it is something I should consider doing. I can’t wait to see where my feet will take me and what the lord will have me do next! I’m scared but excited at the same time. So anyway, the whole experience there was really awesome and I can’t wait to go again hopefully soon! All of the talks have been wonderful. They are truly inspired and I have had prayers answered through their words! It’s amazing hoe things work out like that. I LOVE President Monson and I love being able to be so close to him and to be able to receive information from him that I know is truly inspired of God! I started crying when I heard him speak because I felt so strongly that he truly was a prophet of God who receives revelation from him. It was such an amazing experience.

Scary protesters

 Jessica and Ashley are great road trip partners and we have had some really fun times on the trip! I was sad I didn’t get to see Janelle in Salt Lake, but, hopefully we will be able to meet up soon. Saturday night we went to the mall during priesthood session and it was a mad house! Everyone had the same thought as us, the men don’t want to go shopping so let’s do it while they’re gone! When we got home we were in a Disney watching mood so we watched Pocahontas and it was AH MAZING. I forgot how awesome that movie is. So cute! It’s funny when you watch something for the first time in years and realize that the movie actually has a story line and you notice things you never noticed before. I’m going to have to re-watch all the Disney movies because I forgot half the stuff that happened! Now we are driving home and because we decided to avoid buying things on Sunday, we are living off of chocolate and zucchini bread for food on the way home.YAY. The trees are starting to change colors and I loooove it. So beautiful. Although it might not be as beautiful as at home, Idaho still has her moments. Today I was asked what I miss most about home and I really had to think about it. Of course I miss my family, friends, having things paid for by parents, good tasting water, fresh California air…. But I think what I miss the most is familiarity. Everything is new and I have never moved or lived in a different place before. Going from living in the same house my whole life to moving in with 3 complete strangers in a whole different state has been quite a culture shock. I don’t think I would have it any other way but it’s definitely just different. That’s how I would describe it. But at the same time there is SO many things I love. Being on my own schedule, making my food, partying all night long(HA! BYU style), new people, responsibility, using all the things I learned in life to be happy, and just the whole college experience! I am so grateful to have been given amazing parents who really prepared me for all that would be thrown at me in college, and with that I feel that I am really thriving, not just surviving. I don’t know what paths lie ahead and I don’t even know what I’ll be doing tonight, but I do know that I am doing the right thing and that I am in the right place, and that’s all I can ask for.

Rachel Marie

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